Sustainable Freedom with Boudoir Photography Podcast

{Returning Soon } How do I get more clients in my photography business? When should I raise my prices? Can I make enough money with photography to support my family? What are the best ways to advertise my photography business? Which business model is best for my photography business? And the most asked question of all, can I really charge more, work less, and enjoy photography on a deeper creative level? Whether you’re a newbie photographer, it’s your side hustle, or you’re a seasoned pro, this show was made for you. The Sustainable Freedom with Photography Podcast helps photographers get out of their ruts, sticking points, and holdups, because too many have traded in their 9-to-5 jobs for 24-7 hustles. We’ll shake off those feelings of uncertainty and self-doubt to uncover the business you’ve been dreaming about—and give it the TLC it needs to thrive, without you working (or wandering) in overdrive. Host Tracy Lynn brings you marketing and business strategies, productivity tips, inspirational stories, and hard truths, but she does it with kindness, compassion, and empathy—earning the trust of photographers all over the world. She also shares actionable advice she used to build her seven figure boudoir photography studio in Saint Louis, MO working just 30 hours a month. Along with sharing this wealth of knowledge, she also interviews women creatives in the industry who support photographers, as well as past clients, and other photographers who’ve achieved some of their biggest goals.

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Monday Feb 06, 2023

Blogging for photographers is absolutely not dead, and in this episode, I'm gonna tell you why.
Blogging keeps my website views between 1500-4500 views every single month and my clients all say they use each blog post religiously before their sessions. 
In this episode, I give you five specific reasons why blogging for photographers is not dead.
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Monday Jan 30, 2023

Andrea Sager owns Andrea Sager Law and is founder and CEO of Legalpreneur and author of  Legalpreneur: The Business Owner’s Guide to Legally Protecting Your Business 
Being a photographer, business owner, and entrepreneur can be very overwhelming. Andrea helps us simplify the legal side with the three steps to legally protect your photography business.
These three key points are vital to legally protecting your photography business. 
Relevant Links:Show notesAndrea’s InstagramGet your copy of her book here
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Monday Jan 23, 2023

I’m not your typical photography business coach. Most coaches teach Facebook ads, Facebook groups, and model calls.
But I do things a little differently around here, and that’s exactly why my clients see such epic results.
Listen to this episode to find out exactly why working with me is so different.
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This episode is brought to you by the Legalprenuer.
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Monday Jan 16, 2023

Building my business without facebook ads in today's social media influenced world seems crazy, right? 
Spending thousands upon thousands in ads yearly is crazy when you can simply streamline your business at little to no cost. 
This episode really dives into why I believe facebook ads don’t work and what other options you have to build your clientele while smart budgeting your marketing.
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This episode is brought to you by the Legalprenuer.
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Monday Jan 09, 2023

The TLC Set It & Forget it marketing strategy for photographers is something I’ve been using in my business for years.
It’s an automated photography marketing strategy that allows you to automate your marketing and work way less while still making way more money. 
In this episode, I share how a photography marketing funnel has allowed me to make money while having sustainable freedom.
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Show NotesSix-Figures Simplified
This episode is brought to you by the Legalprenuer.
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Monday Jan 02, 2023

Setting goals is a big thing in the industry this time of year… with good reason.
If you don’t set your photography goals with a strategy, you’re really just setting yourself up for disappointment. 
In this episode, I’m talking about exactly what you can do to HIT your photography goals for 2023.
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This episode is brought to you by the Legalprenuer.
Have the Legalprenuer FILE YOUR LLC.The Contract VaultDIY Trademark CourseCopyright Takedown ServiceLegalprenuer Membership

Monday Dec 26, 2022

What a whirlwind 2022 has been! Personally, it was not my favorite year in business.  
A lot of things happened both within my business and in my life, but with the diversity came change, and I can’t wait to share with you what changes I made within my boudoir studio AND my education business for 2023. 
Adding collections, adjusting and increasing my prices, moving to a new boudoir studio are just some of the changes that took place all within the last year. 
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This episode is brought to you by the Legalprenuer.
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Sunday Dec 18, 2022

Tanya of T Marie Creative is a TLC Coaching client and a boudoir photographer from Las Vegas.  She has come so far in under 2 years. 
In 2022, Tanya hit her first 6-figures WHILE taking about 6 weeks off for the summer.
In this episode, we talked about marketing strategy, the importance of education, what’s working in her business, what hasn’t been working, and so much more.
Relevant Links:Show NotesInstagramTanya's InstagramTanya's Website
This episode is brought to you by the Legalprenuer.
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Monday Dec 12, 2022

Working two days per month and having 28 days off sounds like a dream come true, right? 
Smart scheduling. What’s that? Well that’s my secret to being a six-figure photographer while only having to  work two days per month! 
I can easily photograph 8-10 clients in a day, depending on the time of year, and that means I can make $10k in one day. 
Believe me when I say this is NOT for everyone… but it’s what works for me and my lifestyle. 
I tend to say “my business is a well-oiled machine.” And it is just that. So let’s visit how a session day works.
Relevant Links:Show NotesInstagramHoliday Boudoir Education Extravaganza
This episode is brought to you by the Legalprenuer.
Have the Legalprenuer FILE YOUR LLC.The Contract VaultDIY Trademark CourseCopyright Takedown ServiceLegalprenuer Membership

Monday Dec 05, 2022

In 2022, I’m on track to be a six-figure photographer (for the 7th year in a row) while only working 18 days in 2022. This is possible because I have built my business with strategy and intention, and you can do the same. 
Being able to say I’m a six-figure photographer while only working 18 days has been years in the making. Earlier in the year, while goal setting, I decided I only wanted to be in the studio 6 or 7 times total. 
This was possible for me because I don’t have to hold my retoucher’s hand and my scheduling workflow is super streamlined, while my website books clients for me on autopilot.
This gives me sustainable freedom, which we all know is something I believe wholeheartedly in, while still bringing in a great salary.
Relevant Links:Show NotesInstagramHoliday Boudoir Education Extravaganza
This episode is brought to you by the Legalprenuer.
Have the Legalprenuer FILE YOUR LLC.The Contract VaultDIY Trademark CourseCopyright Takedown ServiceLegalprenuer Membership

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